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LTP 60 capsules by Ecological Formulas

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Quick Overview

60 capsules
by Ecological Formulas


What is it?

LTP is Lyphoactivated Thymic Peptides. This is an extract from the thymus gland and contains polypeptides in a base of papain and lecithin liposomes. Each capsule contains Thymus extract 600 mg, and Papain 30 mg. Inert igredients are magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide.

The thymus gland, located beneath the breastbone, is the master gland of the immune system, especially that part responsible for "cell mediated immunity." Specifically, thymus extract stimulates human T-4 helper white blood cells to locate viruses, bacteria and abnormal cells such as cancer, and send out T-8 killer white blood cells to destroy them.

People who do not contract cancer have a strong cell mediated immune response which destroys cancer cells as they are created. This depends upon a plentiful supply of thymus hormone. The bad news is that the thymus gland begins to decline and shrivel after maturity and in many people is not functioning at all by the age of 40. The ability to program T-4 cells is lost. However, T-4 cells are very long lived and even with a nonfunctioning thymus, the ability to mount a cell mediated immunity is not lost for years afterwards. T-4 cells gradually lose their functional ability, though, and become lazy or unprogrammed. Since few or no new T-cells are being produced, no new programming can occur. In older individuals, the ability to identify and destroy cancer cells, bacteria and viruses is severely compromised with disastrous consequences.


LTP is nontoxic. It is not recommended for people with certain types of autoimmune disorders such as SLE. Nor is it recommended in people taking large doses of cortisone-like drugs.
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Suggested Use

Take from 1 to 6 capsules daily depending upon the severity of the problem.

LTP  60 capsules by Ecological Formulas

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